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Which faction will you start with in Neverwinter Module 3 Curse of Icewind Dale?

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Awesome news! We know there will be two factions launched in the next module 3 Curse of Icewind Dale, which one do you prefer or which would be your first faction?

Two factions: The Ten-Towners and The Arcane Brotherhood

You can choose a faction to work for in module 3, and also can switch from one faction to another. But I do not know if need much Neverwinter Astral Diamonds to switch faction or free. Each faction offer temporary contracts to you to further their goals in Icewind Dale. But you should note these factions only hold power within Icewind Dale and will not affect the content in other locations.

Ten-Towners: Having already fought off Akar Kessel's army once, the Ten-Towners now try to retain their grasp on the region by using the power of Black Ice. Their goal is using their black ice trade to grow their wealth and their leader is Bowen Brant.

Arcane Brotherhood: An organization of wizards from Luskan, the Arcane Brotherhood seeks to harvest Black Ice under the claims of academic pursuit. Their goal is unlock the mysterious powers behind the black ice and their leader is Anara the Cerulean.

Open World PvP Confirmed
Battle zones will involve PvPing in an open-world environment. It sounds like the choice for which faction you fight on is temporary so you can switch sides. Will sure take gameplay to a whole new level, love it!