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The New Neverwinter Content Epic Skrimish will be updated in Module 3

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The new D&D neverwinter content "Epic Skirmish" of Kessell's Retreat will be shown in the third free expansion module 3 curse of icewind dale. Was exited about it, you will find the greater challenges than the normal skirmish, and the rewards will be unique and powerful. Skirmishes are player-vs-environment private instances and often basically mini-dungeons for groups of 5 characters, bunch of fights, boss time and then you are done. Including an epic skirmish suggests it is meant to be crazy hard the same time.


Neverwinter New Content Epic Skirmish

How to unlock this epic skirmish? According to the neverwinter Dev Blog you know this epic skirmish can be unlocked through the Icewind Dale Campaign, it is set in Caer-KonigIcewind Pass and Dwarven Valley. You must ensure have amount of Black Ice Resistance, meaning that need to acquire several pieces of Corrupted or Purified Black Ice equipment before entering Kessell's Retreat. Will the black ice gear become pretty much a requirement? The detailed about this epic skirmish update, you can visit official news in here.

How long will have a full black ice set? A player of the official forum said that it takes 5 weeks just to unlock black ice jewelry crafting and rank 3 of the forge that allows you to empower body armor, main hand and offhand. So until then the most empowered gear you can get is 3 pieces because as of now there is no way to get Caer-Konig reputation to speed things up.

Ok, below are the produces T1-T3 Hunter Range Corrupted and Purified Black Ice Bow and the needed requires and consumes items.


Neverwinter Corrupted Black Ice Bow

Neverwinter Purified Black Ice Bow


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